Concopia is a card deck of curiosities and questions that encourage us to rethink and reenchant the world

Get your deck of Concopia Cards now…

Concopia is a new term playing on the notions of
Copia, Concordia and Utopia:

  • Copia

    The latin term for abundance that also refers to a the abundance of knowledge, insights, vocabulary and quotes we can draw on to enrich our conversations. Copia is also an essential source for innovation and connecting surprising dots.
    Concopia revives this abundance in our conversations.

  • Concordia

    The latin term for peaceful coexistence between individuals, groups or nations. We want to emphasize the need to have conversations that contain our many differences in cultures, beliefs and interests.
    Concopia creates a space for respectful divergence.

  • Utopia

    An imaginary or idealized society. Sadly utopian ideas are often dismissed as impossible or unrealistic. But to rethink our world we need to stretch our minds and dare shoot for ideas that are truly thrilling and enchanting.
    Concopia encourages us to make our Utopias come true.

How to use Concopia Cards

  • Elevate your conversations with friends

    Explore each other’s minds and support your friends in their great endeavors. Make room for disagreements, listen carefully to understand where your friends are coming from, what they dream of - and why they became who they are.

  • Lift the spirit at family gatherings

    Sometimes it is surprisingly difficult to start great conversations with those who are nearest and dearest to us. We need a conversation starter that allows us to discover the hidden gems in each other’s personalities and connect on deeper or higher levels.

  • Put great conversations on the menu

    When planning a party, we carefully choose the setting, food and drinks. But we do very little to secure the most important part of an amazing dinner party: The great conversations. Laying the table with Concopia Cards will increase the chance the chance of a memorable meal.

  • Contemplate on your own

    If your flow of ideas seems stuck or you need to challenge your own thinking drawing Concopia Cards on a regular basis might greatly enhance your thinking. Many writers, designers and scientists we know draw a card every morning to sharpen their minds.

  • Create new ideas

    Concopia Cards are great for boosting creativity within a team or group. The questions inspire the participants to extend their tentacles and dare to be brave. The inspirations and questions on the cards will gently force you to explore new perspectives and directions.

  • Innovate with your colleagues

    Mix colleagues from different teams and fields of expertise in small groups. Using the Concopia Cards they will naturally start a cross-pollination process that enhances their understanding of each other’s roles and inspires them to work together better.

Focused & Festive
Serious & Serendipitous

Concopia builds on 15 years of Conversation Salons, Innovation Labs and Conversation Cards.

Here are some snapshots from our past to give you an idea of what a future of Concopian Conversations could look like…

Concopia is created by two friends who have been working together closely for more than 25 years.
With a lot of help from our friends…

  • Nadja Pass

    Civic Designer, Writer & Salonnière

  • Jan Rasmussen

    Artistic Director & Visual Connaisseur

Our virtual Conversation Salons are a climate friendly way of creating an international community of kindred spirits from around the globe.

This is where we can share views, ideas and knowledge – and learn from one another.
This is where we hope to hear the inspirational stories about pivotal points and people from your part of the world.

Join our Conversation Salons