How to host your own Concopia Salons
This is where we share DIY-guides, footage and afterthoughts from our Concopia Salons.
A Concopian Conference Dinner
How to: 5-Hour Conference Dinner Format Using Concopia Cards to Spark Conversations and Inspiration Among Guests
Conversation Menu - use the summer and Concopia Cards to rethink your future
Selected Concopia Cards that explore fulfillment and hope…
How to: 4 hour Concopian Salon
Footage from Concopia’s first conversation salon and inspiration for those who want to try out hosting.
Wonders of Nature
How to host your own Concopia Salon on The Wonders of Nature. This involves a trip into the abyss to explore the notions of a Whale Fall and a moonshot trip into space to understand the concept of star stability.
Conversation Menu for holiday meals with your loved ones
Selected Concopia Cards that work really well if you want to reconnect with your loved ones and reawaken your memories while sharing a festive meal.