A tool that sparks vibrant conversations

Here is how it works

The players take turns drawing random cards. Each card contains several promts:

On one side of each card you will find:

A thought-provoking keyword.

A somewhat puzzling illustration.

And a probing question that expands the scope of conversation.

On the other side of each card there is a corresponding encyclopedic inspiration.

Hopefully they will send your thoughts in surprising directions.

You don’t have to read them to play – but they may add new depths to what you would otherwise have answered.

5 Suits = 5 Different Approaches

  • Wonders of Nature

    10 inspirations from the bottomless source provided by nature when it comes to rethinking and reenchanting the world. And what humans can learn from that.

  • Endangered Skills

    10 skills that we long to revive before they are gone forever. Skills that we hope – when rediscovered – will lift spirits around the world and for future generations.

  • Civic Desires

    10 dives into Danish culture. Hopefully the stories of how Denmark was crafted over the years will unlock the memories from your culture and be an inspiration in community building.

  • Reenchantments

    10 inspirations on how to seize the day, live out load and bring a touch of magic back into a world that otherwise has been rapidly disenchanted.

  • Pivotal People

    10 stories about Danes who made a difference.

    Unlock stories of people who dared to envision utopia – and share stories of people who changed your world.

Getting started

Concopia Cards are easy and intuitive to use.

They come with a hand of game master cards that make it easy to get started – and you will be able to print more detailed instructions for various ways to play.
Once you get the hang of it you’ll probably find yourself making up your own rules and using the cards in different ways depending on who you are playing with and why you are playing.

You are also most welcome to join our virtual Conversation Salons. This is a chance to connect with Concopians around the globe and let Nadja do the hosting.

Our favorite way to use
Concopia Cards

And some variations

  • Elevate your conversations with friends

    Explore each other’s minds and support your friends in their great endeavors. Make room for disagreements, listen carefully to understand where your friends are coming from, what they dream of – and how they became who they are.

    How to?
    The easiest way to do this is to draw random cards for as long as you want. This works really well no matter whether you choose to take turns answering the cards while listening silently to each other og use the cards as a conversation starter where you explore the questions together.

  • Lift the spirit at family gatherings

    Sometimes it surprisingly difficult to start great conversations with those nearest and dearest to us. We need a conversation starter that allows us to discover the hidden gems in each other’s personalities and connect on deeper or higher levels.

    How to?
    In general we recommend that you use the guidelines for “our favorite way to use Concopia Cards”-above since the “silent-listening”rule allows for all voices to be heard making space for those of you who rarely speak – and challenging the louder ones in your midst to truly listen.

  • Put great conversations on the menu

    When planning a party, we carefully choose the setting, food and drinks. But we do very little to secure the most important part of an amazing dinner party: The great conversations. Laying the table with Concopia Cards vastly enhance the chance of a memorable meal.

    How to?
    Place a card by each seat. Ask everyone to take turns reading their card out and responding to the prompts without the others commenting. If you want to do one more round ask the guests to talk to the person next to them about their cards

  • Contemplate on your own

    If your flow of ideas seems stuck or you need to challenge your own thinking, drawing Concopia Cards on a regular basis might greatly enhance your thinking. Many writers, designers and scientists we know draw a card every morning to sharpen their minds.

    How to?
    This one really depends on you and your rythms. But some kind of routine certainly makes a difference. It could be a certain time of day - waking up, on your commute, while cooking, before going to bed... It might also be inspiring to write your answer down or record a memo of your initial response. In that way you will generate a lot of very personal perspectives that will be inspiring to revisit during work- or writing-processes.

  • Create new ideas

    Concopia Cards are great for boosting creativity within a team or group. The questions inspire participants to put out their tentacles and dare to be brave. The inspirations and questions on the cards will gently force you to explore new perspectives and directions.

    How to?
    When kickstarting the ideation proces make sure that everyone what challenge you are exploring. Then use “Our favorite way to use Concopia Cards” above. The participants shouldn’t focus on the challenge in the answers - the idea is to bring other perspectives to the table that might help you look in new directions. But AFTER the silent rounds you discuss how the stories shared might inspire your work with the actual challenge.

  • Innovate with your colleagues

    Mix colleagues from different teams and fields of expertise in small groups. Using the Concopia Cards they will naturally start a cross-pollination process that strengthens their understanding of each other’s roles and inspires them to work together better.

    How to?
    The more varied the players that more exciting and inspiring this Concopian experience becomes. Try to avoid a classical introduction round by asking the participants to respond to a Concopia Card of your choice that you think frames the task ahead. Start out by answering yourself to set the tone and length. When everybody have responded to the opening question you use “our favorite was to use Concopia Cards” above.