Introducing Concopia’s Micro Salons on Hope&Despair

This new series of small, spontaneous conversation salons are hosted in private homes, nature, artisans workshops and secret hideaways.
Concopia Co-Creator Nadja Pass is recurring salonnìere while local co-hosts offer their perspectives to make each micro salon a unique experience.



Concopia Co-Creator and co-host Anya Schønning Glentved. Anya has worked with people, development, and yoga throughout her life.

When I asked her why she so generously offered to host a micro salon ske answered: “We want to take action to create hope and leave small footprints in a time of change, believing that every action matters.”

The private home of Anya and her husband Søren. Helsingør [Elsinore] is the charming old town where ‘Hamlet’s Castle’ Kronborg is situated. The bastions are beautifully laid out by the waterfront, and Helsingør is definitely worth a day trip if you would like to combine the salon with one of Denmarks major sights.

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[Info på dansk nedenfor]


Concopia Co-Creator Nadja Pass and co-host Anders K. Kristensen also know as ‘Kultur Anders’. In recent years, he has organized cultural events and engaged himself in the life and pulse of the city. This often happens with a ‘red hat’ as his trademark. The events include concerts and city walks, as well as author evenings or debates about life and development.

In Kongens Kammer (the King's Chamber) at The Gråbrødre (Franciscan) Monastery founded in 1235.
Today, Kongens Kammer is used as a common room for residents but can be used for special occasions, offering an experience of how the king and the noblemen once sat here, discussing the current matters concerning the kingdom's future. It is a place for conversations and reflection, a place to look back from—but also a place where you can look into the future. And thus very well suited for the Concopia Conversations on Hope&Despair we will be sharing this evening.


Værter: Nadja Pass fra Concopia og medvært ‘Kultur-Anders’ fra Kulturselskabet.

Sted: Kongens Kammer i Gråbrødreklostret, der blev stiftet i 1235. Kongens Kammer og den lille kloster kirke ligger der gemt i det restaurerede kloster og er et sted til samtaler og fordybelse, et sted at se tilbage fra – men også et sted hvor man kan se ud i fremtiden. Kongens Kammer benyttes i dag som fællesstue for beboerne – men kan benyttes til særlig lejligheder hvor man får en oplevelse af, at her sad kongen og lensmændene og drøftede de verserende sager om rigets fremtid. Og nu også Concopias samtaler om Afmagt&Håb.

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Concopia Co-Creator Nadja Pass and co-host Katrine Dahl Clement, rhetorical advisor and network director.

Værkstedet K3 is an active, creative, and flexible studio and workshop. Performing artists, artisans, designers, and creative entrepreneurs work here. The former carpentry workshop now housing K3 has been carefully renovated preserving as much of its history and character as possible.

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Concopia Co-Creator Nadja Pass and Lise Højer, doctor, ph.d. and mindset coach.

Espergærde Teaterforening. An association is run by volunteers. Con Amore.For the first 50 years, the association was home to a very active amateur theater scene—and in the last 10 years, it has become a playground for culture of all kinds. Music, theater, children's theater workshops, art exhibitions, concerts, lectures, dance,
poetry evenings, film recordings, and now… even a Concopia Micro Salon.

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København NV

København NV

Concopia Co-Creator Nadja Pass and co-hosts Dorthe Hove Olesen. Dorthe is an organizational psychologist running her own company, Stagescph. She has been engaged in designing transformation of organizations and securing wellbeing for the people who inhabits them, for the past 25 years. She is very passionate about creating room for, and engaging in, existential conversations, and feels that we need them more than ever.

Dorthe and her husband Sune are welcoming us in their private home in the sizzling neighborhood Nordvest in Copenhagen where a lot of inspiring projects are emerging these days. Such as Democracy Garage and Thoravej 29 – a shared office space and meeting point for a lot of Copenhagens most interesting social entrepreneurs.

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About Concopia’s Micro Salons on Hope & Despair

[Læs al information på dansk allernederst på siden]

Why are you hosting Micro Salons?

We live in a time marked by profound powerlessness and discouragement – and nothing seems more important right now than strengthening agency and hope.

Jan Rasmussen and Nadja Pass have created Concopia Cards to reconnect humanity through the deep conversations our time calls for. That’s why we are now testing a new idea: hosting Concopian Conversation Salons on Hope & Despair in private homes and studios.

What’s on the agenda?

The program alternates between inspirational talks by Nadja Pass and Concopian Conversations in smaller groups using Concopia Cards - A card deck of curiosities and questions that encourage us to rethink and reimagine the world.

No preparation or prior knowledge of Concopia Cards is required to participate. Nadja Pass will guide you through the whole thing.

As a guest we hope you will leave the salon feeling both empowered, full of new ideas and hopeful – and inspired to initiate more Concopian conversations with your family, friends, and colleagues. Often, it’s much easier to start a Concopian conversation once you’ve experienced it yourself…

Preferably please show up alone

One of the exciting aspects of these events is the opportunity to meet strangers. Since spaces are very limited, we encourage you to attend alone. If you register with someone else, please be aware that you will be seated in different groups.
If you dream of hosting Concopian conversations with a larger group of your own choosing, that’s also an option – just not at these events. Feel free to reach out to for inquiries about tailored salons, whether for private settings or workplaces.

What language will it be held in?

Concopia Cards are in English, but depending on the group’s composition, the conversations can take place in either Danish or English. So don’t hesitate to sign up, even if you find one of these languages a bit challenging. As long as I know in advance, we can accommodate this in the group arrangements.

What’s included in the price?

Your ticket price corresponds to the cost of a set of Concopia Cards, which you’ll receive at the end of the salon. This means you’ll not only have the opportunity to start your own Concopian conversations right away but also support Jan Rasmussen’s and my ongoing development of Concopia.

We’ll serve coffee, tea, and water – and encourage all guests to bring a little fruit, cake, or candy to sweeten the coffee break.

What if I all ready have a deck of Concopia Cards?

If you already own a deck of Concopia Cards you are free to choose between 1) an extra deck of Concopia Cards to use for work or as a gift, 2) a deck of our Danish conversation cards Genopbyggerne or 3) a copy of our book Borgerlyst (on our civic laboratory Civic Desire – available in Danish only)

Is there any way I can join without paying?

It’s no secret that we’re struggling to make ends meet financially and to keep all our experiments going. However - it’s equally important to us to allow students, artists and social, cultural and regenerative entrepreneurs of limited means the chance to join the conversation. We therefore offer any left-ofter seats around the table as a micro scholarship. Write to and share a few words about yourself and your work to be considered for a scholarship.

Looking forward to welcoming you!

Om Concopias Mikrosaloner

Hvorfor er I begyndt at holde mikrosaloner?

Vi lever i en tid præget af dyb afmagt og modløshed – og intet forekommer vigtigere lige nu end at styrke handlekraften og håbet.

Jan Rasmussen og jeg - Nadja Pass - har skabt Concopia Cards for at genforbinde menneskeheden gennem de dybe samtaler tiden kalder på. Og derfor afprøver vi nu en ny ide: at holde Concopiske Samtalesaloner om Afmagt & Håb i private hjem og værksteder.

Håbet er, at du som gæst på en gang får styrket iderigdommen, handlekraften og håbet – og bliver inspireret til at sætte flere concopiske samtaler igang med dine familier, venner og kolleger. For det er ofte så meget nemmere at sætte en concopisk samtale igang, når man har prøvet det selv…

Hvordan foregår det?

Programmet veksler mellem inspirationsoplæg fra mig og salonens medvært - og concopiske samtaler i mindre grupper. Det kræver ingen forhåndsviden eller kendskab til Concopia Cards at deltage. Nadja Pass sammensætter grupperne og sørger for, at alle kommer godt igang med samtalerne. Det kræver ingen forberedelse og intet forhåndskendskab til Concopia Cards at deltage.

Hvilket sprog foregår det på?

Concopia Cards er på engelsk, men lidt afhængig af gruppernes sammensætning, kan selve samtalerne enten foregå på dansk eller engelsk. Så du skal ikke afholde dig fra, at tilmelde dig, hvis du enten finder dansk eller engelsk lidt svært. Hvis bare jeg ved det på forhånd, kan jeg kan tage højde for det i gruppesammensætningen.

Kom helst alene

Noget af det spændende ved disse arrangementer er møderne mellem fremmede. Og da antallet af pladser er meget begrænset opfordrer vi dig til at dukke op alene. Hvis du tilmelder dig sammen med en anden, skal I være forberedt på, at vi fordeler jer på to forskellige grupper. Hvis du drømmer om at have concopiske samtaler i større gruppe, hvor du selv kender eller vælger gæsterne, er det også en mulighed - bare ikke lige til disse arrangementer. Men skriv gerne til for at høre om skræddersyede saloner. Både privat og på din arbejdsplads.

Hvad er inkluderet i prisen?

Adgangsbilletten svarer til prisen på det sæt Concopia Cards, du modtager ved afslutningen af salonen. Dermed får du ikke alene mulighed for straks at sætte gang i dine egne concopiske samtaler - du støtter også Jan Rasmussens og min videreudvikling af Concopia.
Vi serverer kaffe, te og vand - og opfordrer alle gæsterne til at medbringe lidt frugt, kage eller slik, der kan forsøde samtalerne.

Hvad hvis jeg allerede har et sæt Concopia Cards?

I så fald kan du frit vælge mellem at få 1) et ekstra sæt Concopia Cards, 2) et eksemplar af vores danske samtalespil Genopbyggerne eller 3) et eksemplar af vores Borgerlyst-bog.

Er der nogen mulighed for at deltage uden at købe billet?

Det er ikke nogen hemmelighed, at vi kæmper for at få enderne til at nå økonomisk sammen med vores mange eksperimenter, der indtil videre allesammen er finansieret af vores egne midler. Så billetprisen er afgørende for, at initiativet med mikrosalonerne lige akkurat balancerer med basisomkostningerne. Men vi kender jo alt til selv at have meget på hjerte, men ingenting på lommen - og det er også vigtigt for os, at studerende, kunstnere og sociale, kulturelle og grønne iværksættere har mulighed for at være med. Derfor tilbyder vi eventuelle ledige pladser omkring bordet som ‘legatpladser’. Så skriv lidt om dig selv og dit virke til hvis du gerne vil på listen over legatpladser.

Vi glæder os til at se jer!