
Living Every Day Out Loud

Share a story of a situation where you somehow stuck out from what was expected or considered ‘normal’. How did it make you feel?

Whenever you are in the mood for it allow yourself to be over the top rather than trying to fit in.

Wear colors – especially when it rains. Spice up your meals instead of just filling your tummy. Don’t be afraid to burst out laughing. Dance like nobody is watching and sing like you would in the shower.

Fall into conversations with strangers. Instead of tossing and turning when the full moon is out, go on a nocturnal expedition.

Walk an extra mile to have lunch on your favorite bench. Allow time to take detours rather than always rushing to get to where ever you are going. Play with the children — and the adults – around you. Have fun and make the most of life. Why shouldn’t you?





Taking Breaks