Video: Micro Talks, Tutorials, Footage & Introductions


Video: Micro Talks, Tutorials, Footage & Introductions *

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    • 12/6/24

    Taking Risks to Make Dreams Come True

    Share a story of something – or someone – you believed in so much that you took a risk for them. What happened after this leap of faith?

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    Taking Breaks

    When, where and how are you creating pockets during the day for you to pause and think?

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    Resisting Stagnation

    Share a story of a time when you were stuck in a project or at work and went for a walk. What happened on the walk?
    How did it change your mindset?

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    Fibonacci Spirals

    What systems or patterns do you find helpful when you are trying to structure your thoughts?

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    Creating Cooperations

    How can you join forces with others to make things happen that couldn’t have done on your own?

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    What changes when you dare to put out your tentacles more. How does that help you connect with the people around you?

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    What is your favorite season and why? How do you find joy in other seasons throughout the year?

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    The Beginners Mind

    Share a story of a major change that happened during your lifetime that seemed unthinkable when you were a child. Who or what set that change into motion?

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    When your enthusiasm for an idea or a project wanes and you begin to get frustrated, what strategies do you use to keep moving forward?

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    • 12/6/24

    Agreeing to Disagree

    Share a story of a situation where you had a great time with someone you disagree strongly with. How did you manage to keep the discussion constructive – and what did you learn from that person?

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    • 12/6/24

    Inverted Eyesight

    Share a story about something that frustrates you about the times we are living in. Then look in the opposite direction and look at what might be emerging. What about this brings you hope?

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    • 12/6/24

    Daring to Lead the Way

    Share a story of a major change that happened during your lifetime that seemed unthinkable when you were a child. Who or what set that change into motion?

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    Taking Risks

    When is the last time you did something risky? was it worth it?

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    • 12/6/24

    Finding Your Path

    Share a story about something you did or created that you are proud of – but that didn’t have any immediate pay-off. You nay even have been ridicule for believing in it. Who or what helped you carry it through?

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    Think back on something you dreamed of doing when you were younger. Are there any parts of that dream you can now revive?

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    Connecting the Dots

    Share a story of a time when you suddenly realized that things you thought were irreconcilably different – thoughts, ideas, people, places – were connected. How did that change the way you view the world?

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    When and where are you able to concentrate til best? Do you use any special techniques to stay focused?

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    Living Every Day Out Loud

    Share a story of a situation where you somehow stuck out from what was expected or considered ‘normal’. How did it make you feel?

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    Where and how do you exercise your way finding muscles? What is the difference between following a map, a GPS or your intuition?

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    Memento Mori

    How have your notions of death – and sense of urgency – changed as you aged?

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    Reimagning the World

    What would you like to rebuild from scratch if you had the chance? Why does it need rebuilding?