
Resisting Stagnation

Share a story of a time when you were stuck in a project or at work and went for a walk. What happened on the walk?
How did it change your mindset?

Søren Kierkegaard 1813 – 1855

The philosopher Kierkegaard once said “Life can be understood backward, but it must be lived forwards.”

He was known for his love of walking and claimed that his walks gave life to his best ideas, cured him when sick and encouraged him when depressed. He met all kinds of different people, and observing and engaging in their lives enhanced his understanding of the world and human nature.

Kierkegaard understood, that we can’t always know what will happen, but we have to resist stagnation by taking chances and being open to inspiration – getting up and going for a walk. We never know what will trigger our next big idea, but we can keep putting one foot in front of the other.



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